Import duties from USA to European Union
How much would I pay to customs when ordering merchandise items, like T-Shirts, from main merchandise resellers, located in the USA?
This form can help you!
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Please note
- This form uses the search engine from European Commision website, so it would generate an external link.
- Information is provided for informative purposes only; current taxes depend on many small details (such as the raw material they're made from). Please review other categories on the linked page
- Today (June 1, 2004), standard duty rate is 3.5%. This rate taxes almost everything you put into your luggage (you're not trading diamods, are you?), and almost everything you get through mail from a private individual (but not it you PAID for it).
- I've noticed books and other printed material from USA are rated 0%, but can't ensure it. (Now that I know it, I will start ordering comic-books from Drunkduck...
- I think this website does not break Copyright Agreement of Europa.Eu.Int, since it permits data use as long as its source is cited. It you think this page breaks it, write me to jgmoyay© (substitute © with "@") and I would remove it.
Since this document needs to use javascript to arrange the data asked by server (like duplicate date), it won't run under navigators without javascript, like NetPositive/Beos.
- This webpage has proved to work with MS. Internet Explorer 6/Win 98, and Mozilla FireFox/BeOS 5.
- This webpage DOES NOT work with Opera 3.6/BeOS 5.5.